Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Surgery and Post Surgery

The emergency staff performed a CAT Scan and a MRI of the Kathy's head upon arrival. It became clear that activity in Kathy's brain was adnormal and she would need to have surgery. Trevor signed the releases and she was rushed into surgery that afternoon.

Her capable surgeon, Dr. Sohaib Kureshi, head of Neurological Surgery at Scripps Mercy Hospital was her operating doctor. (Everything was performed on Wednesday the 9th)After surgery Dr. Kureshi explained to Trevor that Kathy had a abscess in a difficult to reach area far inside her brain. It was in fact so deep, he would never attempt to extricate it. That was not the end of the bad news, it got only worse. The abscess had burst the day earlier and spread bacteria around her brain and the brain ventricles. This action resulted in the term "ventricilitus", which is the extremely dangerous infection of the fluid surrounding the brain cavity. Because this infection in the brain also creates pressure, he needed to drill a hole in Kathy's skull to relieve the pressure and keep the brain from being permantley damaged.

Of course we were all devastated upon hearing the news. Being new to the complexities of her condition we did not fully appreciate the high morality rate of this infection. All we could do was pray and hoped for a speedy recovery.

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