Friday, November 17, 2006

Low Pressure Alert

Well, how did Kathy’s neurology check-up go? We left early on Wednesday to Mercy Hospital for her CT scan. It was a good experience, quick and easy. The hard part was waiting around for 5 hours until she could meet with Dr. Kureshi. We filed out the appropriate paperwork and finally got into see her neurosurgeon. Immediately Dr. Kureshi diagnosed her CT scan. He felt it was possibly a case of the shunt over-draining. Her symptoms were consistent with low pressure in the ventricles. This was a very disappointing diagnosis.

What’s next? He suggested Kathy take it easy so as to allow her brain to adjust to the low pressure. Her shunt has a fixed valve and cannot be adjusted without surgery. He suggested she try to adjust to her headaches and other symptoms for as long possible (4-6 weeks). He explained the brain is a amazing organ and can adjust to thousands of variables. If things still did not improve, Kathy will hav to have surgery to replace the valve inside of the shunt. What a major pain in the backside!

Overall Doctor Kureshi was impressed just to see Kathy. He told her on numerous occasions he thought death was at her doorstep and a goner for shure. But thanks to the love, prayers and support from all of you Kathy is alive and fighting back.

I have not posted until I could give more news about Kathy’s adjustments this week. She started out as the perfect patient coming home from Sharp. Energetic and excited about every thing! (No more hospitals!) Lately the strain of the headaches and the symptoms of low pressure are taking their toll. It is distressing because Kathy started off so strong and seems so much weaker today. I hope it is just the old two steps forward and one step backward routine that has been the story of her recovery.

Bottom line Kathy is having difficulty adjusting to her shunts over-drainage. Low pressure has it’s dregs as does high pressure. We need to find a way to make her more comfortable during this adjustment process and find the right combination of pressure. If not, it going to be a tough six weeks! Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts!

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