I spent time today with Kathy during her occupational therapy and physical therapy. Due to my schedule, I seem to miss the daily physical therapy sessions. It's been almost ten days! It was extremely painful to watch the first time but today she was moving extremely well compared to her first day. She could stand straight with little assistance, except for balancing. She can move her left leg and foot smoothly when walking as well as everything on the left side. The right is still giving her problems but moves much better after therapy. I feel confident that within weeks she will be walking without assistance.
Dr. Kureshi (Kathy’s neurologist) was planning to stop by Sharp Hospital today to review his star patient. Tomorrow, I hope to hear positive news from the staff about his visit? Kathy still has this unique ability to talk on the phone but NADA in person. Totally frustrating! I was researching ways to communicate with brain injurie patients and came up with theses suggestions.
In some instances, the person with brain injury will be unable to adapt or compensate for her communication weaknesses. Therefore, people in the environment may want to consider what they can do to make the communication easier. Questions people in the environment might ask in order to help a person adapt their behaviors include:
1.) Did this person understand what I said?
2.) Was my rate of presentation slow enough?
3.) Did I give clear, step-by-step directions?
4.) Did I use puns or humors that were not understood?
5.) Can I help the person understand better by using pictures or writing the steps?
6.) Am I distracting this person with too many gestures, too loud a voice and/or too many pauses in my speaking?
7.) Is the environment too loud, congested, bright and/or confusing?
8.) Can I simplify this communication by speaking in shorter, clearer sentences?
9.) Can I provide a more organized explanation of what I expect to be done?
10.) Are there others in this situation that can help?